
  • Although fresh blueberries seem to be available all year round in the UK, the price does vary according to the seasons. Maybe the very expensive ones flow from all over the world are not quite so fresh.
  • Obviously I would prefer fresh UK grown organic blueberries but there don't seem to be many of these around. Maybe there is an opportunity for somebody here?
  • I have seen packets of dried blueberries in well known high street "health" stores that are over half sugar. Perhaps a more accurate description would be "sugar with added blueberries" ?
  • When I can't reasonably get fresh blueberries, I go for frozen wild ones. They seem to be quite good quality.


  • BBC NEWS | Health | Blueberries tackle bowel cancer
  • Blueberries on Dartmoor? It might sound unlikely, but Nick Hewison has planted his land with the soft fruit - and customers can't get enough of them!
  • We supply to the UK's top fruit growers and our plants are grown by keen gardeners all over the country


frozen blueberries

frozen blueberries